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5 Themes of Geography

The 5 themes of geography are Location, Place, Region, Movement and Human Environment Interaction.  We use these different catergories to better understand the world around us and as a means of organizing the differences of the various cultures of the planet.  We will be connecting the 5 themes to each of the different areas that we study throughout the World Cultures course. 

Unit 1: 5 Themes of Geography

7 Elements of Culture

The 7 elements of culture are social organizations, customs and traditions, language, arts and literature, religion, forms of government, and economic systems.  With the 7 elements we are able to look at and categorize the different cultures in the world, in order to better understand the differences and similarites between the regions of the world.  We will be using the 7 elements throughout the course to look in depth into the different cultures of the class. 

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